Projects 2019

Repeat After Me / Do Not Draw a Penis

Interactive installations on artificial intelligence by Studio Moniker

Love and Ethnology

The Colonial Dialectic of Sensitivity (after Hubert Fichte)


The Appearance of Colonial-Era Europeans

Mississippi. An Anthropocene River

A research project on the novel epistemic, aesthetic, and educational challenges of the Anthropocene

Right the Right

Ideas for Music, Copyright and Access

Afro-Sonic Mapping

Tracing Aural Histories via Sonic Transmigrations

The Unforeseen

On the Lure of Risk in the Participatory Arts

Paris Calligrammes

A Landscape of Memory by Ulrike Ottinger

Reading Bodies!

Cruising Corpoliteracy in Arts, Education and Everyday Life

It’s not over

The joint plaintiffs speak out one year after the NSU trial

Carceri d'Invenzione

Armin Linke in collaboration with Giulia Bruno and Giuseppe Ielasi

Internationaler Literaturpreis 2019

Prize for Contemporary Literature in Translation

Humanity at Work

By Romana Schmalisch and Robert Schlicht