Archive until 2022. To the current program

About this site

This website has been archived end of 2022.
The updated imprint of HKW can be found here.

Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin
Telefon +49 - (0)30 - 397 87 - 0
Telefax +49 - (0)30 - 394 86 79

Haus der Kulturen der Welt is a business division of Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin GmbH (

Exemption from Liability

Editor-in-Chief online
Karen Khurana

Online Editorial Team
Jan Köhler
Kristin Drechsler
Laura Wichmann
Anna Leonie Grimm

Texts edited by
Anna Etteldorf
Amaya Gallegos
Karen Khurana
Jan Köhler
Moritz Müller
Franziska Wegener
Sabine Willig

Biographies edited by
Caren Miesenberger, Louisa Neitz, Christoph Umhau

Translation into English
Brian Currid, Faith Ann Gibson, Colin Shepherd

Translation into German
Herwig Engelmann, Lilian-Astrid Geese, Lina Leonore Morawetz, Wilhelm von Werthern

Design & Frontend Development
NODE Berlin Oslo, Supercomputer Studio

Programming & Development

Systems Administration
SHE Informationstechnologie AG


Haus der Kulturen der Welt is supported by the Minister of State for Culture and the Media as well as by the Federal Foreign Office.

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Subject to alterations.