Wednesday, Mar 6 2013
Speculative Thinking in Art, Literature, and Philosophy
7 pm
Amanda Beech

Amanda Beech

Final Machine
Screening and Lecture
Free admission
Thursday, Mar 7 2013
Speculative Thinking in Art, Literature, and Philosophy
11 am
Arne De Boever

Arne De Boever

Finance Fictions
Saturday, Mar 16 2013
C/O Junior/Teens goes HKW
11 am
Junior 02 . My Logo!

Junior 02 . My Logo!

C/O Berlin Junior/Teens goes HKW
Design Workshop
Sunday, Mar 17 2013
C/O Junior/Teens goes HKW
11 am
Junior 02 . My Logo!

Junior 02 . My Logo!

C/O Berlin Junior/Teens goes HKW
Design Workshop
Monday, Mar 18 2013
Former West
2 pm

Former West: Day 1

Boris Groys, Maria Hlavajova, Hito Steyerl, Anton Vidokle, Tisha Mukarji and many others
Lectures, discussions and performances
Day ticket 8 €, conc. 5 €
Tuesday, Mar 19 2013
Former West
2 pm

Former West: Day 2

Franco Berardi Bifo, Qiu Zhijie, Maria Naprushina, Keiko Sei and many others
Lectures, discussions and screenings
Day ticket 8 €, conc. 5 €
Wednesday, Mar 20 2013
Former West
10 am

Former West: Day 3

Felix Stalder, Irit Rogoff, Stefano Harney, Adrian Heathfield, Louis Moreno, Daniel Baker and many others
Lectures, discussions and screenings
Day ticket 8 €, conc. 5 €
Thursday, Mar 21 2013
Former West
9.30 am

Former West: Day 4

Stefan Nowotny, Alexei Penzin & David Riff, Qiu Zhijie & Jon Solomon, Adrian Heathfield, Louis Moreno, Stefano Harney, Irit Rogoff, Köken Ergun, Füsun Türetken with Burak Arikan, Chto Delat?/What is to be done? and many others
Lectures, discussions and performances
Day ticket 8 €, conc. 5 €
Friday, Mar 22 2013
Former West
5 pm

Es war einmal der Westen

HKW Wissensclub #2
Free admission
C/O Junior/Teens goes HKW
5 pm
Teens 20 . From Indoors to Outdoors

Teens 20 . From Indoors to Outdoors

C/O Berlin Junior/Teens goes HKW
Documentary Film Workshop
Former West
6 pm

Former West: Day 5

Ranjit Hoskote, Nikos Papastergiadis, Rasha Salti, Hassan Khan, Nida Ghouse and many others
Lectures, screenings and performances
Day ticket 8 €, conc. 5 €
Saturday, Mar 23 2013
C/O Junior/Teens goes HKW
11 am
Teens 20 . From Indoors to Outdoors

Teens 20 . From Indoors to Outdoors

C/O Berlin Junior/Teens goes HKW
Documentary Film Workshop
Former West
11 am

Former West: Day 6

Homi K. Bhabha, Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, Allan deSouza, Praneet Soi, Piotr Piotrowski, Rasha Salti and many others
Lectures, discussions and conversations
Day ticket 8 €, conc. 5 €
Sunday, Mar 24 2013
C/O Junior/Teens goes HKW
11 am
Teens 20 . From Indoors to Outdoors

Teens 20 . From Indoors to Outdoors

C/O Berlin Junior/Teens goes HKW
Documentary Film Workshop
Former West
12 noon

Former West: Day 7

Maria Hlavajova, Simon Sheikh and others
Presentations and statements
Day ticket 8 €, conc. 5 €
Other Events 2013
6 pm

El Dorado

Radio Broadcast
Monday, Mar 25 2013
C/O Junior/Teens goes HKW
11 am
Teens 20 . From Indoors to Outdoors

Teens 20 . From Indoors to Outdoors

C/O Berlin Junior/Teens goes HKW
Documentary Film Workshop
Tuesday, Mar 26 2013
C/O Junior/Teens goes HKW
11 am
Teens 20 . From Indoors to Outdoors

Teens 20 . From Indoors to Outdoors

C/O Berlin Junior/Teens goes HKW
Documentary Film Workshop