Archive until 2022. To the current program

Radio Broadcast

El Dorado

Sun, Mar 24, 2013
6 pm

How is the West different, when it is observed from outside? When it is reflected from a different perspective? When voices make themselves heard, for which the "West" is something other than what “we” take for granted? Where is the West for those who have fled here from all over the world, what was and is their concept of the West?

A radio workshop and subsequent broadcast will focus on Former West featuring documents, constellations, and prospects and open up new perspectives on the subject.

Co-organized by the Eta Boeklund agency and the KUB, Kontakt- und Beratungsstelle für Flüchtlinge und Migrantinnen e.V., Berlin, (“Contact and Advice Center for Refugees and Migrants”) this is a continuation of the radio project "Über Grenzen", designed by people who have experienced migration or flight.

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