Archive until 2022. To the current program

Lectures, discussions and performances

Former West: Day 1

Boris Groys, Maria Hlavajova, Hito Steyerl, Anton Vidokle, Tisha Mukarji and many others

Mon, Mar 18, 2013
2 pm
Day ticket 8 €, conc. 5 €

Dissident Knowledges
10–24h Artworks throughout HKW available for viewing

Learning Place
10-13h Workshops: Closed sessions

14–16h Keynote Lecture: Maria Hlavajova FORMER WEST, A Proposition
Discussion: Boris Buden, Maria Hlavajova, Stefan Nowotny, Kathrin Rhomberg

Art Production
18h Keynote Lecture: Boris Groys Live Streaming
19-20 h Lecture-Performance: Hito Steyerl I Dreamed a Dream: Politics in the Age of Mass Art Production (s. Booklet p. 28)
21-22h Lecture-Performance: Anton Vidokle mit Liza Babenko und Tisha Mukarji Energy of Kosmos is Indestructible!!! (s. Booklet p. 30)

20–21h OPENING

Art Production
22-23h Students’ pitching session: Alice Escher, Boaz Levin, Stefan Träger, Till Wittwer Money on Monday, No Short Cuts (s. Booklet p. 22)

With Boris Groys, Maria Hlavajova, Hito Steyerl, Anton Vidokle, Tisha Mukarji and many others