Audience discussion

Interventions in Remembrance Cultures

Fri, Nov 12, 2021
5–8 pm
Free admission, with entry ticket
At this time, the GGG rule (tested-vaccinated-recovered) applies for this event. More about Covid-19 admission regulations

In German
© Silke Briel

Colonial and migrant experiences lie hidden beneath the layers of German historiography. In conversation with the audience, the panelists uncover places, names and events that demand their place in history books, museums and cityscapes. How can activist memory work inspire a reassessment of remembrance culture?

With Tayo Awosusi-Onutor (RomaniPhen e.V.), Sarah Fortmann-Hijazi and Salma Jreige (Multaka Treffpunkt Museum – Geflüchtete als Guides in Berliner Museen), Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç (Verwobene Geschichte*n), Mnyaka Sururu Mboro (Berlin Postkolonial e.V.), moderator: Tahir Della