Archive until 2022. To the current program

Partners and Team

Archive of Refuge is a project by Haus der Kulturen der Welt.

Under the patronage of Frank-Walter Steinmeier, President of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The online archive and the production of the film interviews is funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.

Kulturstiftung des Bundes 

Archive of Refuge is presented and communicated in cooperation with the Goethe-Instituts and their partners in Athens, Belgrade, Bucharest, Istanbul, Sarajevo, Tirana and Zagreb.


The online educational programs for the Archive of Refuge are produced in cooperation with mediale pfade - association for media education, funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb).

mediale pfade

Bundeszentrale für politsche Bildung

Workshop Shifting Perspectives in collaboration with

Multaka: Treffpunkt Museum – Geflüchtete als Guides in Berliner Museen

Workshop Refubeats with kind support by Elf Studios

The Archive of Refuge in libraries, library catalogues and databases is produced in cooperation with the German Library Association (dbv), the Special Subject Collection Social and Cultural Anthropology of the University Library of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the Qualiservice data service center of the University of Bremen and the Tempelhof-Schöneberg and Pankow municipal libraries.

Deutscher Bibliotheksverband

Fachinformationsdienst Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie

Stadtbibliothek Tempelhof-Schöneberg    Stadtbibliothek Pankow

Media partner

taz. Die Tageszeitung    Der Freitag. Das Meinungsmagazin


Curators: Carolin Emcke, Manuela Bojadžijev

Online Archive

Artistic director: Bernd Scherer

Outreach, academic and curatorial collaboration: Mohammad A. S. Sarhangi
Project management, production management: Nadja Hermann
Project management until 2019: Cordula Hamschmidt, Annette Bhagwati

Film dramaturgical consulting: Heidi Specogna
Foreign language consulting: Lilian-Astrid Geese
Organizational consulting: Andrea Rostásy
Legal consulting: Inken Stern
Medical and psychological consulting: Malek Bajbouj
Academic consulting/ Project partner: Stefanie Schüler-Springorum
Image design consulting: Johann Feindt
Website consulting: Karen Khurana

Interviewers: Mohamed Amjahid, Gabriele von Arnim, Manuela Bojadžijev, Carolin Emcke, Eva Gilmer, Charlene Lynch, Ethel Matala de Mazza, Mohammad A. S. Sarhangi, Amir Theilhaber, Joseph Vogl

Protagonists: Éva Ádám, Fatuma Musa Afrah, Ibraimo Alberto, Mouna Aleek, Kerim Borovina, Bino Byansi Byakuleka, Dao Quang Vinh, Samra Habta, Freweyni Habtemariam, Ranjith Henayaka-Lochbihler, Ahmad Hussainy, Muhammed Lamin Jadama, Zeynep Kıvılcım, Levent Konca, Yiwu Liao, Gudrun Lintzel, Eric Mbiakeu, Blaise Baneh Mbuh, Yasmin Merei, Mira, Mila Mossafer, Lucía Muriel, Abdulkadir Musa, Nelly Neufeld, Hamid Nowzari, Saloua Nyazy, Stephen Okumu, Saideh Saadat-Lendle, Nadja Salzmann, Sasha Marianna Salzmann, Kava Spartak, Remzija Suljić, Bashar Taha, Viktor, Bruno Watara, Regina Webert-Lehmann, Max Welch Guerra, Moro Yapha, Hayyan Al Yousouf, Fatima Youssouf

Camera: Jule Katinka Cramer, Katharina Diessner, Thomas Keller, Anne Misselwitz, Luise Schröder, Carmen Treichl
Original soundtrack: Manja Ebert, Joscha Eickel, Adel Gamehdar, Matthias Hartenberger, Florian Hoffmann, Anastasios Papiomytoglou
Studio setups, lighting, sound: Stephan Barthel, Benjamin Brandt, buk filmbau, Jason Dorn, Simon Franzkowiak, Martin Gehrmann, Bastian Heide, Matthias Henkel, Kujawa Raumdesign, Leonardo Rende, Andrew Schmidt, Stefan Seitz, Klaus Tabert

Montage: Petja von Bredow, Wiebke Hofmann
Post production: Concept AV - Stefan Engelkamp, Stefan Gohlke
Compositing: Jonathan Schorr

Lighting equipment rental: a prima vista
Sound equipment rental: Kortwich Filmtontechnik

Interpreter coordination: Lilian-Astrid Geese
Simultaneous interpreters: Ahmed Mahadi, Lilian-Astrid Geese, Freweyni Habtemariam, Jing Möll, Duc Thang Nguyen, Günther Orth, Christoph Rolle, Mercede Salehpour, Alexander Schmitt

Transcription and translation: Elif Amberg, Joni Barnard, Anna Bartholdy, Ulrike Bernard, Jennifer Brandt, Madeleine Dallmeyer, Julie Dorstewitz, Helen Ferguson, Lilian-Astrid Geese, Cornelia Herfurtner, Simone Hess, Kerstin Krolak, Elisa Purfürst, Lena Scheidgen, Colin Shepherd, Sebastian Weitemeier, Martina Würzburg

Sequencing: Shohreh Shakoory

Studio voiceover recordings: Matthias Hartenberger, Anastasios Papiomytoglou
Voiceover audio editing: Jozefina Chetko
Voiceover compositing: Jonathan Schorr
Voiceover interpreters: Oliver Corff, James Crompton, Viky Feghali, Lilian-Astrid Geese, Marcus Grauer, Niels Hamdorf, Antoinette Janko, Catherine Johnson, Günther Orth, Katherine Vanovitch, Sebastian Weitemeier

Website layout and design: Silke Krieg
Website programming: Georg Lauteren

HKW controlling: Antje Kramer, Andrea Schreiber, Andrea Schubert

Big thanks to:
Amaro Drom e.V., Daniel Baranowski, Sarah Bornhorst (Stiftung Berliner Mauer), Raphael Brunning, Clement Doku, LesMigras - Antidiskriminierungs- und Antigewaltbereich der Lesbenberatung Berlin e.V., Aram Lintzel, Mouna Maaroufi, Kristina Mashimi (FU Berlin), Verena Lucia Nägel (CeDiS, FU Berlin), Cord Pagenstecher (CeDiS, FU Berlin), Thomas Rudhof-Seibert (medico international), Bosiljka Schedlich, Julia Schnegg, Susanne Schwarz (Concept AV), “Das Team vom Begleitprogramm – Learning by doing” der Berliner Stadtmission, Herr Thanh Nguyen Huu, Vereinigung der Vietnamesen in Berlin & Brandenburg e.V., Verein Iranischer Flüchtlinge in Berlin e.V., YAAR e.V., Ridvan Yumlu-Schiessl

Opening Days and Installation

Department of Literature and Humanities

Head of Department: Katrin Klingan
Dramaturgy, Scenography: Janek Müller
Project Management: Hannah Jacobi (absent from June 22, 2021)
Project Coordination: Anujah Fernando
Project Assistance: Friederike Becker, Julia Büki
Production: Quirin Wildgen
Program Coordination: Doris Hegner
Management: Friederike Becker, Liona Neubert, Eva Hiller
Trainee: Andreas Doepke
Internship: Isabel Vehrkamp

Concept for expert discussions: Silvy Chakkalakal, Yasemin Karakaşoğlu

Interpreters: Viky Feghali, Lilian-Astrid Geese, Matthias Jansen, Catherine Johnson, Claire Lochet, Günther Orth, Kate Vanovitch, Sebastian Weitemeier

Installation Architecture and Set-up

Concept Installation: Janek Müller
Design: Christine Andersen und Gernot Ernst
Consultation: Heidi Specogna

General Coordination: Gernot Ernst with Christine Andersen, Elisabeth Sinn
Exhibition Construction: Martin Gehrmann, Achim Haigis, Matthias Henkel, Bart Huybrechts, Simon Lupfer, Sladjan Nedeljkovic, Leila Okanovic, Andrew Schmidt, Stefan Seitz, Nanako Seitz, Rosalie Sinn, Ali Sözen, Christian Vontobel, FACtum

Technical Department

Technical Director: Mathias Helfer
Technical Assistance: Justus Berger
Head of Event Engineering: Benjamin Pohl
Lighting Operations Manager: Adrian Pilling
Event Engineering Manager: Benjamin Brandt
Lighting and Stage: Eduardo Adao Abdala, René Christoph, Jason Dorn, Bastian Heide, Frederick Langkau, Leonardo Rende, Felix Weck

Head of Audio and Video Engineering: André Schulz
Audio and Video Technicians: Andreas Durchgraf, Simon Franzkowiak, Matthias Hartenberger, Anastasios Papiomytoglou, Felix Podzwadowski, Jan Proest

System Administrator: Ronny Held
IT-Support: serve-u

Department of Communications and Cultural Education

Head: Daniel Neugebauer
Editorial Office: Franziska Wegener, Moritz Müller, Sabine Willig
Digital Editorial Director: Karen Khurana
Digital Editorial Office: Jan Köhler, Kristin Drechsler, Elinor Lazar, Shohreh Shakoory, Moritz Hoffmann, Anna Leonie Hofmann
Head of Press and PR: Jan Trautmann
Press: Lilli Heinemann, Lutz Breitinger
Public Relations: Christiane Sonntag, Sabine Westemeier
Inhouse Graphics: Bárbara Acevedo Strange
Documentation Office: Svetlana Bierl, Josephine Schlegel
Cultural Education: Eva Stein, Anna Bartels, Ireen Packebusch, Katharina Hofbeck, Naima Walter
Research and consulting education program: Angela Dressler

Thanks to: Wir machen das e.V.

Haus der Kulturen der Welt is supported by the Minister of State for Culture and the Media as well as by the Federal Foreign Office.

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