Archive until 2022. To the current program


Pan-Africanism, Communism, Antifascism: A Radical Provocation

With Charisse Burden-Stelly, Doreen Mende, Charlotte Misselwitz and Zoé Samudzi, moderated by Avery F. Gordon

Sat, Oct 29, 2022
7 pm
Free admission

In English

Franz Loeser and Eslanda Robeson at the trial in absentia of Hans-Maria Globke at the Supreme Court of the GDR. East-Berlin, 8 July 1963. , Courtesy of the Akademie der Künste Berlin, Eva Brüggmann, AdK, PRA Nr. 613_01B © BArch, Bild 183-B0708-0014-004.

The panel’s point of departure is a 1963 photograph of Eslanda Robeson and Franz Loeser taken during the staged trial against the Nazi lawyer Hans-Maria Globke at the Supreme Court of the GDR in East Berlin. Globke continued his career after 1945 as a Secretary of State of West Germany. The photograph forces an engagement with what the “failure of denazification” (Mahmood Mamdani) means in the present context. And invokes the convergence of an anticolonial Black feminist internationalism with antifascism, a philosophy of logic and Marxist ethics.

With Charisse Burden-Stelly, Doreen Mende, Charlotte Misselwitz and Zoé Samudzi, moderated by Avery F. Gordon

The Missed Seminar

140,000,000 Women Can’t Be Wrong

Lecture by Barbara Ransby, conversation with Yulia Gradskova and Vanessa E. Thompson, moderated by Avery F. Gordon

Livestream: Lecture, Conversation

Nov 19, 2022