Audience discussion
Building Bodies
At this time, the 2G Rule (vaccinated-recovered) applies for this event. More about Covid-19 admission regulations
In German

Bodies are criminalized, disenfranchised, ostracized, driven away because of sexual orientation or gender identity. Alliances and shelters are created to counter this: Politicized bodies develop a social impact in publications, podcasts and on dance floors. Based on the film interviews of the Archive of Refuge, the audience discussion Building Bodies approaches emancipatory practices of self-empowerment.
With Lucina Akintaya (MILES – LSVD Berlin-Brandenburg), Mahmoud Hassino (Schwulenberatung Berlin – Fachstelle für LSBTI*-Geflüchtete), Lúcia Luciano (Hoe mies/Realitäter*innen), Elizabeth Ngari (Women in Exile), Saideh Saadat-Lendle (LesMigraS), moderator: Daniel Neugebauer