
The Anthropocene Project. An Encyclopedia

The beautiful and the sublime, when the experience of theater takes place not just through the senses, but also as a visitation of an institution of morality, translated not just through words, but also through body and mind. What does your heart feel, perceive and understand? What is beautiful, what sublime? Try images of concentration camp victims, destroyed mosques, the WTC or the moon landing – using your eyes, your grandparent’s or the man in the moon’s. Feelings, confusing and sometimes disturbing. Unthinkable, inexpressible, inexplicable? Breath in and breath out to understand. True experience is monstrous. What we are accustomed to turns into chaos, right becomes wrong, evil becomes good, a sense of orientation becomes unfamiliar. An earth is the Earth is an earth. And life is life. In search of the right in the wrong, morally unreliable music or sound as weapon.