373 results

    Where is the Planetary?

    Mark Williams Mi You Jan Zalasiewicz Gary Zhexi Zhang Anthropocene Art Discourse Earth Geology (...)

    Sat, Nov 15, 2014
    6.30–8 pm

    Anthropocene Observatory – The Dark Abyss of Time

    Anthropocene Art Change Discourse Knowledge Production Research Forum (...)
    Discourse Lecture
    Anthropocene Curriculum

    Thu, Nov 18, 2021
    6.30 pm

    Dear Future, how can learning become anti-racist?

    Cultural education Discourse Education Escape Future Migration Racism Talk (...)
    Discourse Audience discussion
    Schools of Tomorrow 3

    Fri, May 20, 2022
    3–4.30 pm

    Markers – Material Delineations of the Present

    Anthropocene Art Discourse Earth Forensics Geology Politics Research Society (...)
    Discourse Demonstrations & Discussions
    Unearthing the Present

    Fri, May 20, 2022
    5–6.30 pm

    Markers – Material Delineations of the Present

    Anthropocene Art Discourse Earth Forensics Geology Politics Research Society (...)
    Discourse Demonstrations & Discussions
    Unearthing the Present

    Fri, May 20, 2022
    7–9 pm

    Markers – Material Delineations of the Present

    Anthropocene Art Discourse Earth Forensics Geology Politics Research Society (...)
    Discourse Demonstrations & Discussions
    Unearthing the Present

    Fri, May 20, 2022
    9.30 am–12.30 pm

    Anthropocene Working Group. A Scientific Forum

    Anthropocene Art Discourse Discussion Earth Geology Politics Research Society (...)
    Discourse Public Forum, Q&A

    Thu, May 19, 2022
    6 pm

    Earth Indices

    Anthropocene Art Discourse Earth Exhibition Geology Politics Research Society (...)
    Discourse Exhibition Opening
    Earth Indices

    Thu, Mar 23, 2017
    9–11 pm

    The Standard of Civilization - A History of Continuity

    Civilization Colonialism Difference Discourse Injustice Law Nation–State Racism (...)
    Discourse Documents, presentations, installation
    Now is the Time of Monsters

    Wed, Jun 1, 2022
    5–6 pm

    Artist talk with Giulia Bruno & Armin Linke

    Anthropocene Art Discourse Earth Geology Politics Research Society Talk (...)
    Discourse Earth Indices

    Sat, Oct 15, 2022
    12 noon–10 pm

    Where is the Planetary?

    Anthropocene Art Discourse Earth Geology Performance Politics Practices Research Society (...)
    Discourse Practices and Conversations | Day 2
    Where is the Planetary?

    Wed, Oct 12, 2022
    7.30–10 pm

    Collaborative Practice on a Changing Planet

    Anthropocene Art Discourse Earth Film Geology Politics Research Society Workshop (...)
    Discourse Launches, Presentations and Screenings
    Anthropocene Curriculum

    Sun, Oct 23, 2022
    3.30 pm

    Curator-led tour

    Colonialism Cultural education Discourse Future Guided tours Modernism (...)
    Discourse Ceremony

    Sun, Nov 13, 2022

    Curator-led tour

    Colonialism Cultural education Discourse Future Guided tours Modernism (...)
    Discourse Ceremony

    Sun, Nov 20, 2022
    2–4 pm

    Philosophieren mit Familien: Wer sind wir?

    Colonialism Cultural education Discourse Future Modernism Reading Workshop (...)
    Discourse Philosophical Workshop / Reading

    A Matter Theater

    and Janek Müller In the framework of:Anthropocene Climate change Discourse Nature Performing arts (...)

    Cosmic Awakening

    , films, lectures, discussions and a few surprises. Part of The New AlphabetConcert Discourse Film Future (...)

    Evidence & Experiment

    explores through a series of events, online publications and an exhibition.Anthropocene Art Discourse Earth (...)

    The Missed Seminar

    Warda Part of The New AlphabetArchive Decolonization Discourse Exhibition Feminism Installation (...)

    Fri, Aug 29, 2014
    10 am

    kids&teens@HKW: Otelo Burning

    Cultural education Democracy Discourse Film kids&teens Opening Racism South Africa (...)
    Discourse Film & Discussion
    20 Years of Democracy in South Africa