Image: Coral photo taken during diving trip to Flower Garden Banks, Photo: © Kristine DeLong / Illustrations from “Anthropogenic Markers: Stratigraphy and Context” Photo: © by Protey Temen; Collage NODE Berlin Oslo


Evidence & Experiment

Discourse, Installation, Performance, Online archive

Throughout the year 2022

When in search of models for living in a transitioning Earth system, what sociopolitical considerations emerge through the geological evidence for the Anthropocene?

How does the global fingerprint of humankind manifest itself in Earth’s sediments? In which way does this evidence influence decision-making in the face of planetary challenges? How is cohabitation on Earth possible amid conflicting assumptions and cosmologies? Since 2019, the Anthropocene Working Group has been searching for stratigraphic evidence indicating the geological onset of the Anthropocene at various sites around the world. Through a close reading and contextualization of this material evidence of planetary upheaval, the yearlong program Evidence & Experiment gathers material testimonies of the Anthropocene stratum. In the face of the urgent political challenges of this new epoch, finding the nexus between the production of evidence and the outlining of the scope for experimentation and social maneuvering is nothing less than essential. It is this uncharted space between the evident and the experimental, between what is “given” and the collective search for adequate responses, that the program explores through a series of events, online publications and an exhibition.