by Jamila Tressel, Maximilian Waldmann and Tuğba Tanyılmaz
At this time, the 2G Rule (vaccinated-recovered) applies for this event. More about Covid-19 admission regulations

At the age of 14, the young entrepreneur Jamila Tressel and her fellow students published the book Wie wir Schule machen – Lernen, wie es uns gefällt (How We Do School – Learning as We Like It). In Dear Future, she talks about her vision for radical change in the school system. In his short talk, educational scholar Maximilian Waldmann questions myths about digitization, such as its supposed proximity to neoliberal ideas. The educator Tuğba Tanyılmaz talks about strategies needed to unlearn stereotypical body images. How can daycare centers, schools, universities and cultural institutions do justice to intersectional life realities?
Followed by a Q&A session
Moderator: Gila Kolb