Archive until 2022. To the current program
Anthropocene Campus , ©Sera Cakal

The Campus Experience

Anthropocene Campus Facts:

9 Seminars (each 1,5 days) | 3 Cluster-presentations | 3 artist talks | Open Forum (1) with 3 Table Talks | Open Forum (2) with 7 group discussions | 27 Instructors | 9 Guest-Instructors | 9 Commentators | 6 Artists | 1 scientist (artist-talk) | 8 Speakers (Open Forum) | 123 Participants | Participants from 23 Countries | 2044 guests for the public program

Quotes from the Campus-Developers:

Peter K. Haff:
“The Campus gave a voice to all the participants and emphasized the multi-dimensional qualities of the Anthropocene.”

“It illustrated, to all those involved, the wide spectrum of interests that focus on the Anthropocene, and began to set up the conditions for more extensive networking. This is much easier to do if one has had personal contact with others, as happened at the Campus.”

“This was a very remarkable and useful experience.”

Will Steffen:
“As a natural scientist, I certainly came away from the campus with very many new and interesting perspectives on the Anthropocene concept from the social sciences and (particularly) from the humanities. It was an exciting and enjoyable week.”

“The Campus was a huge success. There was a real buzz around the place during the week and much stimulating discussion and interaction amongst the participants and the instructors. Virtually everyone I talked to and interacted with felt that their expectations were met or exceeded.”

Quotes from Campus Participants:

“It was a tremendous experience and an honor to be there among so many brilliant minds. I was able to gain a lot of knowledge, insight, and resources for my own practice and will be putting some to practice in a seminar at the end of the month. I was extremely impressed by the HKW as an institution, and applaud their commitment to redefining what an institute can be, and what effects and publics it's programming can produce. On this level I think the campus was a great success and I am thrilled to have taken part.”

“This was an absolutely brilliant conference, and no amount of preparation could have predicted the intensity and diversity of the experience. I am so grateful to the HKW for making this possible! The success of the event will surely be found in the numerous collaborations and discussions still happening and spinning into the future.”

“The best thing in the campus was indoubtly the participants. There was an incredible connection in terms of ideas in such a diversity of backgrounds. I actually felt more 'at home' at the campus than in Anthropology conferences. This made me question a lot the notion of disciplines.”

“Interdisciplinarity really happened. It worked. Real conversations across vast gulfs of disciplinary methodologies were initiated. This needs to continue.”

"I have a whole new book project that is coming out of these discussions. A new network of colleagues. And, without exaggerating I can honestly say that this experience was path-changing for me. I hope I can now find the institutional support for a sustained, primary engagement with the questions of the anthropocene and our concomitant knowledge systems, forms of life and practices of power."