Archive until 2022. To the current program

Campus schedule

The ANTHROPOCENE CAMPUS took place during nine days in the fall of 2014, between Friday, Nov. 14 and Saturday, Nov. 22. The heart of the Campus was formed by nine Seminars, developed along the three topical clusters “Representing”, “Connecting” and “Claiming”. Each seminar lasted for 1,5 days after which the participants of each cluster came together for a Résumé session. Topics and methodologies of the seminars were introduced during the opening weekend, where the seminar instructors presented their approach to the Anthropocene in public speeches and discussions. On three occasions, an evening program provided the Campus with artistic stimuli in the form of presentations and artist talks. The Campus closed with a public forum, were forms of knowledge and the key terms of the Campus were discussed in table talks and group discussions with seminar instructors and guest commentators.

The Anthropocene Campus at a glance: