Archive until 2022. To the current program

Partners and Team 2014

The ANTHROPOCENE CURRICULUM is a part of THE ANTHROPOCENE PROJECT and is being developed by Haus der Kulturen der Welt and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, in cooperation with the cluster of excellence “Image Knowledge Gestaltung. An Interdisciplinary Laboratory” of Humboldt University, Berlin, the Environmental Humanities Laboratory of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, the Deutsches Museum, Munich, the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich, and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam.

Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte           null           null          

null          Deutsches Museum          Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society          

The ANTHROPOCENE CURRICULUM receives support from the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Schering Stiftung, the cluster of excellence “Image Knowledge Gestaltung. An Interdisciplinary Laboratory” of Humboldt University, Berlin, the Environmental Humanities Laboratory of the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, the Goethe Institute Max Müller Bhavan, New Delhi, the Goethe Institute Hongkong, Lemonaid, Quartiermeister, the Portuguese Embassy in Berlin and the Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua.

Funded by
Fritz Thyssen Stiftung        Schering Stiftung        null        null

Goethe-Institut        Lemonaid        Quartiermeister        Botschaft von Portugal in Deutschland        Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua

Haus der Kulturen der Welt is supported by the Minister of State for Culture and the Media as well as by the Federal Foreign Office.

null       null

Concept & Realisation Anthropocene Campus:

Project Head: Katrin Klingan
Scientific Concept: Christoph Rosol
Scientific Advice: Roman Brinzanik
Dramaturgy: Janek Müller
Program Coordination: Cordula Hamschmidt
Project Coordination: Carlina Rossée
Coordination Students’ Admission: Patricia Maurer
Project Assistance: Anna Sophie Luhn, Liona Neubert, Olga Starostina
Production: Quirin Wildgen
Interns: Lina Brion, Mario Michel, Niklas Hoffmann-Walbeck
Internet editors: Niklas Hoffmann-Walbeck, Ralf Rebmann

The seminars of the “Anthropocene Campus” were developed by

Marco Armiero (Environmental Humanities Laboratory, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm), Amita Baviskar (Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi), Elena Bougleux (Research Center on Anthropology and Epistemology of Complexity, University of Bergamo), Arno Brandlhuber (Akademie der Bildenden Kunste, Nuremberg/architect, Berlin), Miriam Diamond (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Toronto), Paul N. Edwards (Science, Technology & Society Program, University of Michigan), Erle Ellis (Department of Geography and Environmental Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore), Sabine Höhler (Environmental Humanities Laboratory, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm), Pablo Jensen (Institut rhônalpin des systèmes complexes, École normale supérieure de Lyon), Natalie Jeremijenko (Environmental Health Clinic, New York University), Adrian Lahoud (The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London), Manfred Laubichler (School of Life Sciences/Center for Social Dynamics and Complexity, Arizona State University, Phoenix), Mark Lawrence (Institute for Advanced Sustainability Science, Potsdam), Reinhold Leinfelder (Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin/Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich), Wolfgang Lucht (Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung/Geographisches Institut, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Ioan Negrutiu (Institut Michel Serres, Ècole normal superieure de Lyon), Philipp Oswalt (architect, Berlin), Armin Reller (Lehrstuhl für Ressourcenstrategie, Institut für Physik, Universität Augsburg), Jürgen Renn (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin), Libby Robin (Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Canberra/Division of History of Science and Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm), Wolfgang Schäffner (Cluster of Excellence “Image—Knowledge—Gestaltung. An Interdisciplinary Laboratory,” Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Sverker Sörlin (Environmental Humanities Laboratory, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm), Will Steffen (Climate Change Institute, Australian National University, Canberra), Bronislaw Szerszynski (Department of Sociology, Lancaster University), Helmuth Trischler (Deutsches Museum/Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Munich), Eyal Weizman (Centre for Research Architecture, Goldsmiths, University of London), Jan Zalasiewicz (Department of Geology, University of Leicester)