Artist Stimuli
Stimuli from artistic research engaged with the Anthropocene Campus. With a multimedia lecture by Armin Linke and Territorial Agency (John Palmesino and Ann-Sofi Rönnskog) on their Anthropocene Observatory and the complex relationship between abstract models and concrete places of knowledge production, a discussion about the post-human “Plastic-Soup” with artist Pinar Yoldas and microbiologist Regine Hennge and Medium Earth, a film essay on the seismic psyche of California by The Otolith Group, presented by the artists Kodwo Eshun and Anjalika Sagar.

The Anthropocene Observatory
The Anthropocene Observatory—a knowledge station, a constantly expanding reservoir—pursues and documents the thesis of the “age of man” and its political, practical, institutional, and cultural formulation in international climate policy, among other areas. more...

An Ecosystem of Excess
The Turkish artist Pinar Yoldas centers her work on The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a garbage vortex made up of several million tons of plastic waste in the North Pacific. more...

The Otolith Group
Founded in 2002 by Anjalika Sagar and Kodwo Eshun, The Otolith Group’s work investigates the histories and potentials of science fiction and Tricontinentalism. more...