Archive until 2022. To the current program

Artist Stimuli

Stimuli from artistic research engaged with the Anthropocene Campus. With a multimedia lecture by Armin Linke and Territorial Agency (John Palmesino and Ann-Sofi Rönnskog) on their Anthropocene Observatory and the complex relationship between abstract models and concrete places of knowledge production, a discussion about the post-human “Plastic-Soup” with artist Pinar Yoldas and microbiologist Regine Hennge and Medium Earth, a film essay on the seismic psyche of California by The Otolith Group, presented by the artists Kodwo Eshun and Anjalika Sagar.

Anthropocene Campus, ©Sera Cakal

The Anthropocene Observatory

The Anthropocene Observatory—a knowledge station, a constantly expanding reservoir—pursues and documents the thesis of the “age of man” and its political, practical, institutional, and cultural formulation in international climate policy, among other areas. more...

Anthropocene Campus, ©Sera Cakal

An Ecosystem of Excess

The Turkish artist Pinar Yoldas centers her work on The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a garbage vortex made up of several million tons of plastic waste in the North Pacific. more...

Anthropocene Campus, ©Sera Cakal

The Otolith Group

Founded in 2002 by Anjalika Sagar and Kodwo Eshun, The Otolith Group’s work investigates the histories and potentials of science fiction and Tricontinentalism. more...