Marion von Osten
Marion von Osten (1963–2020) was a curator, researcher and writer. She assumed the position of curator and artistic director of bauhaus imaginista (2018–2019) in 2014, and was joined by Grant Watson in 2016.
Previous research and exhibition projects include Viet Nam Discourse (2016-2018) at Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart and Tensta Konsthall Stockholm, Aesthetics of Decolonization (ith, ZHDK Zurich/Center for Post-colonial Knowledge and Culture (CPKC) in Berlin); Model House – Mapping Transcultural Modernisms at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, and the CPKC, Berlin (2010–2013); Action! Painting/Publishing in Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers in Paris (2011–2012); In the Desert of Modernity – Colonial Planning and After at Les Abattoirs de Casablanca (2009) and at Haus der Kulturen der Welt (2008); as well as Projekt Migration in Cologne, initiated by the German Federal Cultural Foundation (2002–2006); and TRANSIT MIGRATION in Zürich, Frankfurt and Cologne (2003–2005). Between 2006 and 2012, she was Professor for Art and Communication at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, and from 1999 to 2006 Professor of Artistic Practice and researcher at the Institute for the Theory of Art and Design (ith ZHDK), Zürich. Prior to that she was curator at Shedhalle Zürich (1996–1999). She was a founding member of the Center for Post-colonial Knowledge and Culture (CPKC, Berlin).
As of January 2021

Architecture and Society
Nov 9, 2019

A New School
Conference: Panels
May 11, 2019

Curator-led tour
Mar 17, 2019
Alle Veranstaltungen
Alle Veranstaltungen
How political is the Bauhaus?
Talks, artistic interventions
Jan 19, 2019
Former West: Day 7
Presentations and statements
Mar 24, 2013
Former West: Day 3
Lectures, discussions and screenings
Mar 20, 2013
Learning from ... Colonial Modernity
Oct 26, 2008

The Colonial Modern
International Conference
Oct 25, 2008

The Colonial Modern
International Conference
Oct 24, 2008
Passage to Modernity: An Artistic Intervention by Hassan Darsi
Aug 31, 2008

In the desert of modernity - the exhibition
Aug 29–Oct 26, 2008
Introduction to the exhibition
Aug 29, 2008