Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin
Coffee discussion (Audi Foyer) | Focus (Vts) | The Centre of the World (Vts) | Shadows (Vts) | The Host (Audi) | Architecture (Audi)

14 Uhr: Forum | Coffee discussion (Audi Foyer)
14.30 Uhr: Focus(Vortragssaal)
15.30 Uhr: The Centre of the World (Vortragssaal)
Stéphanie Rollin, David Brognon: I Found You on an Empty Page | Video | hdv | colour | 1’38’’ | Luxembourg, France | 2014
Eleonore De Montesquiou: Diamonds | Exp. documentary | hdv | b&w | 5’ | France, Ghana | 2015
Justin Schmitz: Away from Here | Fiction | hdv | colour | 6’47’’ | USA | 2013
Julia Charlotte Richter: You Are the Center of the World | Exp. fiction | 4k | colour | 16’45’’ | Germany | 2015
Mike Crane: Bunker Drama | Exp. documentary | hdv | colour | 30’ | USA, Lithuania | 2015
17 Uhr: Shadows (Vortragssaal)
Elise Florenty, Marcel Türkowski: Shadow-Machine | Video | hdv | colour | 14’20’’ | France, Germany, Japan | 2016
Corin Sworn, Tony Romano: The Coat | Exp. fiction | 4k | colour | 57’58’’ | United Kingdom, Canada, Italy | 2016
19 Uhr: The Host (Auditorium)
Shadi Habib Allah: Dag'aa | Exp. documentary | hdcam | colour | 19’ | Palestine, Egypt | 2016
Miranda Pennell: The Host | Exp. documentary | hdv | colour and b&w | 60’ | United Kingdom | 2015
21 Uhr: Architecture (Auditorium)
Aglaia Konrad: La Scala | Experimental film | 16mm | colour | 12’24’’ | Austria, Belgium | 2016
Laurence Bonvin: Avant l'envol | Documentary | hdv | colour | 19’46’’ | Switzerland | 2016
Arianne Olthaar: Hotel Forum | Video | hdv | colour | 9’30’’ | Netherlands | 2016
Jasmina Cibic: Nada: Act I | Video | hdv | colour | 10’09’’ | Slovenia, United Kingdom | 2016
Anton Ginzburg: Turo | Exp. fiction | hdv | colour | 35’ | USA, Russia | 2016