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Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin

Coffee discussion (Audi Foyer) | Circularities (Vts) | Landmark (Vts) | Passing Through (Vts) | In-Between (Vts)

Mi 14.6.2017
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Screening Sessions im Auditorium (Audi) und Vortragssaal (Vtr)

Maxime Rossi, Real Estate Astrology

14 Uhr: Forum | Coffee discussion (Audi Foyer)

15 Uhr: Circularities (Vortragssaal)
Mike Hannon: An Illustrated Guide to Lighthouse Spotting | Exp. documentary | dcp | b&w | 27’47’’ | Ireland | 2016
Daniel Kötter: HASHTI Tehran | Exp. documentary | hdv | colour | 59’45’’ | Iran | 2016

17 Uhr: Landmark (Vortragssaal)
Esther Polak, Ivar Van Bekkum: A Collision of Sorts | Exp. documentary | hdv | colour | 17’ | USA | 2017
David Ross: Théodolitique | Exp. documentary | 35mm | colour | 15’10’’ | Canada | 2015
Sirah Foighel Brutmann, Eitan Efrat: Orientation | Exp. documentary | hdv | colour | 12’40’’ | Belgium | 2015
Michael Macgarry: Excuse Me, While I Disappear | Fiction | hdv | colour | 19’10’’ | South Africa, Angola | 2015
Michelle Deignan: A Glimpse of Common Territory | Exp. fiction | hdv | colour | 8’47’’ | United Kingdom | 2015
Louis-Cyprien Rials: Polygon | Video | 4k | colour | 12’39’’ | France, Kazakhstan | 2016

19 Uhr: Passing Through (Auditorium)
Mélissa Epaminondi: La Villa | Video | hdv | colour | 5’34’’ | France | 2016
João Vieira Torres: Crianças fantasmas | Exp. documentary | hdv | colour | 16’ | Brazil, France | 2016
Teboho Joscha Edkins: Initiation | Documentary | 4k | colour | 10’47’’ | South Africa, Germany | 2016
Mike Hoolboom: Spectator | Experimental film | super8 | colour | 6’ | Canada | 2017
Lena Bui: Nang Bang Phang | Fiction | hdv | colour | 50’10’’ | Vietnam | 2016

21 Uhr: In-Between (Auditorium)
Daniel Kötter: Repetitionen | Video | hdv | colour | 21’28’’ | Germany | 2016
Rob Todd: Phases of Noon | Experimental film | 16mm | b&w | 11’25’’ | USA | 2016
Maxime Rossi: Real Estate Astrology | Video | hdv | colour | 21’ | France, USA | 2015
Sandro Aguilar: Undisclosed Recipients | Video | hdv | colour | 25’ | Portugal | 2015