Teacher training
Digital Hate
In German
Registration via email to education@hkw.de

Whether in the office of a major corporation or a cultural association, in a private setting, in city hall or in the classroom: Online hate affects everyone. But what is hate speech? Where does it occur, how does it work and what damage does it do to young people?
The two-day training course is aimed at teachers and educational staff. Under the leadership of ichbinhier e.V., which has more than five years of experience in activism against hate on the Internet and for digital civil courage, participants will examine the occurrence of hate speech and learn how they can deal with it. How can the problem of hate speech be treated in the classroom community? An escalating online discussion is simulated in a role play. Using examples, it is possible to understand how young people today are instrumentalized for digital hate and what tools enable young people to have digital civil courage.