#Transmitting: Workshops
At this time, the GGG rule (tested-vaccinated-recovered) applies for the events at HKW.
More about Covid-19 admission regulations
In English with Arabic translation
To register for the workshops

Friday, Sep 3
12 noon–3 pm CEST (Berlin) / 1–4 pm EEST (Rafah)
Workshop at HKW and online, with registration
Transmitting Worlds in Words: Poetry as a Topos of Transfer, Transformation and Disruption
With Louis M. Berger, Tomás Cohen and Jacob Veidt
Guest: Ghayath Almadhoun
Friday, Aug 20 12 noon–3 pm CEST (Berlin) / 1–4 pm EEST (Rafah)
Friday, Aug 27 12 noon–3 pm CEST (Berlin) / 1–4 pm EEST (Rafah)
Transmission, both technical as well as cultural and interpersonal, can be understood to describe a mode of continuous transfer, translation and interaction which enables individuals in different places and from different backgrounds to interact with each other. These interactions however have limits. Understanding each other is an error-stricken process and while it has technically never been easier to communicate halfway across the globe, the numerous realities of life differ and are not necessarily translatable. Yet, somehow we seem to continually transcend these impossibilities by attempting to understand each other through modes of friendship, intellectual discourse, art, empathy or solidarity. Through three online sessions, this workshop will seek to discuss different modes of transmission stemming both from personal experience as well as academic and artistic practice. Guided by the technical metaphor of transmission itself as well as significant works of interdisciplinary scholarship, the participants will spend two online sessions discussing the impossibilities (online workshop 1) and the possibilities (online workshop 2) of transmission, informed by theoretical readings with a progressive focus on poetry, drawing from both contemporary as well as historical examples. The concluding session (online workshop 3) will feature a live reading by the poet Ghayath Almadhoun, followed by an open discussion about his work.
4–8 pm CEST (Berlin) / 5–9 pm EEST (Rafah)
Workshop at HKW, with registration
Sounding Testimony
With Carolina Mendonça und Esther Poppe
The voice – the original medium of transmission – holds an interesting instability between inside and outside, material and immaterial, body and non-body. This workshop puts the voice at its center and proposes to share practices that address the voice as a political instrument.
Participants will follow scores of the sonic meditations by Pauline Oliveros, experience the materiality of sound as vibration and tune in with each other’s voice. In using voice(s), the concept of transmitting moves away from the idea of successful communication towards a more vulnerable and fragile understanding of transmission of meaning and message: an embodied communication of tone, energy, density, heat, excitation. This workshop aims at opening up to the opportunity to rethink corporality, shifting away from certainties and making other narratives appear.
Participants will collectively create a compendium of collaged bits and pieces of fragments and texts by Brandon LaBelle, Georges Perec, Noor Abuarafeh, Bhanu Kapil, Moyra Davey and many more in order to create an intertextuality between reading, sounding and space.