Archive until 2022. To the current program


#Transmitting: Workshops

Thu, Sep 2, 2021
Rafah & Berlin
1–6.30 pm
Free admission, with registration
At this time, the GGG rule (tested-vaccinated-recovered) applies for the event at HKW.
More about Covid-19 admission regulations

In Arabic with English translation

To register for the workshops, Via @ jamopi

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4

Thursday, September 2

1-4pm EEST (Rafah)
28 magazine gallery, Rafah
Workshop, with registration
Open Language
With Mohamed Al-Zaqzooq and Raed Eshneoura

Does the open world lead to an open language? What is the extent of the linguistic response to the surrounding environment? Which aspects are responsible for the formation of the individual’s relationship with language? This workshop discusses poetic models that emerged from the experiences of isolation of young writers in Gaza. Unlike previous generations of writers who aimed to express the collective Palestinian concern, rather than an individual one, young writers today write without relying on these literary traditions. When they started writing, they had to choose between either starting a new area, a new language that could stem from their own experiences or to become echoes of the previous language. In an attempt to explore the question of this new possible language, participants will examine the link between linguistic traditions and the context of language use, literary genres that might transcend a given form to liberate the meaning as well as the idea of an open language. How is it possible to find a new language that resonates with your own experiences?

4–6.30pm CEST (Berlin) / 5–7.30pm EEST (Rafah)
Workshop at HKW, with registration
Trans-Missing: A Trip to Jerusalem
With Nahed Mansour and Maiada Aboud

Millions of Arabic speaking people yearn for visiting Jerusalem, in particular young people of Gaza. It is a paradoxical idea given how near they are to the city but they still can't reach it. This workshop provides a virtual platform in order to imagine possibilities to cross over political and geographical barriers by actively exchanging visions, destroying walls and reflecting on personal and collective memories. Participants are invited to share a text, clip, video recording, photos or a poem reflecting on either personal stories or fictional ways to cross over to Jerusalem. A fictional map will be created from gathered material guiding the participants through the individual pathways of the citizens of Gaza. Could virtual reality and fiction be used as alternative means in order to help enhancing the act of transmission between and beyond the Palestinian territories and therefore be a tool of resistance-persistence against the present political barriers?
In order to further discuss different modes of transmitting longing and possibilities, performance artist and researcher Maiada Aboud will introduce the participants to Palestinian feminist artists like Rana Bishara, Larissa Sansour, Raeda Saadeh and others who use their work to reflect on imaginary spaces referring to political identity and belonging.

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4