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Corpoliteracy in Educational Practice

With María do Mar Castro Varela, Ed Greve, Ayşe Güleç, Gila Kolb, Tuğba Tanyılmaz

Sun, Sep 15, 2019
Hirschfeld Bar
6 pm
Free admission
In German and German sign language

Starting Sunday noon, educators and young people will work on ways of making corpoliteracy usable for daycare centers, schools, universities and cultural institutions in the Körper-Alphabetisierungen workshop. In their talk, the participants will share their findings with educational professionals and develop new strategies and tools for educational practice.

With Ayşe Güleç (art educator), Gila Kolb (art educator), Ed Greve & Tuğba Tanyılmaz (I-Päd, Initiative intersektionale Pädagogik), moderated by María do Mar Castro Varela (bildungsLab*)