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Vulnerable Bodies

With Henriette Bothe, Eva Egermann, Inga Zimprich, moderated by Mai-Anh Boger

Sun, Sep 15, 2019
4.30 pm
Free admission
In German and German sign language

Are people born with dis/abilities or is it the world that impedes their development? Representatives of the social model within Disability Studies understand dis/ability as a product of socially influenced perspectives and argue for the deconstruction of the alleged dichotomy of disability/ability. It’s necessary to break out of learned categories, to take unfamiliar perspectives and to practice empathy. Thus, the term “vulnerable bodies” coined by Disability Studies aims to overcome the association with incompleteness and the need for repair.

The panel explores possibilities of a transformative cultural practice, imagines a queer-crip space for thought and experience and asks which negotiation processes are needed in order to create spaces for vulnerable bodies in art and cultural institutions.

Henriette Bothe (Golden Gorkis), Eva Egermann (Crip Magazine), Inga Zimprich (Feminist Health Care Research Group Berlin), moderator: Mai-Anh Julia Boger (bildungsLab*)