Testing the Schools of the Future: A Practice-Oriented Further Education Course for Teachers

Can what students wish for come true? How can teachers transfer ideas from theory to the classroom? And do they need to revolutionize their role in order to create democratic, participatory and forward-looking learning opportunities in schools?
In the 2017-2018 school year, hundreds of students explored possibilities and visions for the schools of the future as part of Schools of Tomorrow in 21 school projects and the ideas competition It’s Our School! How teachers can practically implement the resulting action recommendations and the demands of the students is the focus of the further education course. In workshops, participants will develop strategies to be tested in everyday lessons. Teachers can share observations from school life, discuss their visions for the schools of the future and network with other educators who wish to try out innovative learning methods. After a six-month practical test, the teachers will compile their experiences in a second workshop on November 7, 2019, reflect on them and gather conclusions for educational practice. Do the action recommendations stand up to the practical test or do they require updating?
With Caroline Assad and Robert Pfützner
In cooperation with Regionale Fortbildung; Regionalverbund 3 of the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family