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Schools of Tomorrow

Schools of Tomorrow

100 Years of Now Library
Editor: Silvia Fehrmann
Publisher: Matthes & Seitz Berlin , 2019
167 pages, German
ISBN 978-3-95757-412-1
Price: 18 €

Available at Haus der Kulturen der Welt and at bookstores, mail order buying / postal shopping via the webshop

One school reform is followed by another, exhausting teachers and parents alike. The educational system is being readied for a future driven by business interests, a future to which, however, only a few are looking forward. One hundred years ago, by contrast, educational reformers across the globe strove to create opportunities for new ways of acting and thinking. The volume examines how the experimental practices of the past can be applied to today’s learning under digital conditions. How can schools become places where alternative designs of the future are created?

The volume provides access to the latest educational theory approaches, offers insights into John and Evelyn Dewey’s pedagogical classic Schools of To-Morrow (1915) and translates theory into international school practice using numerous case studies.

Contributors include Gert Biesta, Catherine Burke, John and Evelyn Dewey, Keri Facer, Luis Armando Gandin, and Katie Salen Tekinbaş among other.