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The Disciplined Body

With Ahmet Derecik, Ali Lacin, Miranda Markgraf, Livia Patrizi, Sabina Enéa Téari

Sun, Sep 15, 2019
11 am
Free admission
In German and English with simultaneous translation in each language and German sign language
Eva Kotakova, Sit Straight

Learning is always also a physical experience. Imparting knowledge in schools is closely linked to the regulation of the bodies of children and adolescent: They learn, quietly and with concentration, in tidy rows of seats; physical education is usually more a body disciplining measure than relaxing movement.

Alternative educational concepts of the early twentieth century like Feldenkrais and eurythmics understood movement as a mode of artistic expression or as an awareness of knowledge. Today, timetables are enriched with programs such as modern dance, fitness and yoga. At the same time, school and club sports rely on traditional disciplines such as dodgeball, bar gymnastics or the long jump. What role does sport have to play in the educational canon of the twenty-first century without solidifying stereotypes about gender, norm and success? How does sports education react to the zeitgeist of digital body images? How can a differentiated knowledge of the body be promoted that goes beyond the disciplined, fit body?

Ali Lacin (para-athlete), Miranda Markgraf (dancer, eurythmist), Livia Patrizi (artistic director of TanzZeit e.V.), Sabina Enéa Téari (curator), moderator: Ahmet Derecik (sports scientist)