Seminar Anthropogenic Landscapes
Cluster Claiming

Ein Seminar von Elena Bougleux, Arno Brandlhuber und Erle Ellis mit Tobias Hönig und Natalie Jeremijenko
Anthropogenic Landscapes have emerged across the Earth as the result of sustained direct human interactions with ecosystems, forming the social-ecological crucibles within which human systems gained the capacity to alter the trajectory of the entire planet. As a defining context of the Anthropocene, anthropogenic landscapes are at once local and global, background and foreground, human and natural, nurturer of humanity and nurtured by humanity. To engage in shaping a better Anthropocene is to engage in foregrounding and co-creating the landscapes within which both humans and non-human nature can thrive.
This seminar explored modes of engagement with anthropogenic landscapes ranging from stewardship to emergence, engineering and design together with the challenges, opportunities and tradeoffs arising in the act of co-creating the Anthropocene. Fundamental to this engagement is the necessity of bringing processes of knowledge creation and creative action into direct confrontation with the social-ecological structures and dynamics of anthropogenic landscapes as experienced directly in the field, while at the same time realizing their application to local case studies and interventions onto world systems.
To accomplish this, diagnostic analysis of selected case studies were applied to assess a wide range of social-ecological strategies and outcomes of inhabiting, using, adapting to, and coping with landscapes across different world communities from local habitats to megacities.To put this knowledge into action, students were challenged to bring their own hypothetical strategies of proactive landscape change into a contested urban environment to engage in a process of Anthropocenic knowledge co-creation.
Die Audio-Aufnahme der Résumé Session zum Seminar “Anthropogenic Landscapes” finden sie hier.
Einführende Informationen zum Seminar “Anthropogenic Landscapes” bietet auch die Präsentation von Elena Bougleux, Arno Brandlhuber und Erle Ellis vom Eröffnungswochenende des Campus.