Sat, Aug 30, 2014
8 pm
Nelson Mandela: The Myth & Me
South Africa (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa Film
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

Fri, Aug 29, 2014
6 pm
Belonging to the Voices Who Live in It
The poet Antjie Krog focuses on her home country South Africa: living there, loving it, being angry (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa (...)
The poet Antjie Krog focuses on her home country South Africa: living there 20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

Fri, Aug 29, 2014
9 pm
Behind the Rainbow
South Africa (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa Film
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

Fri, Aug 29, 2014
7 pm
Miners Shot Down
impressive document about a bitter low point in a young democratic South Africa. (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa (...)
democratic South Africa. Film
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

Sat, Aug 30, 2014
6 pm
Layla Fourie
South Africa (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa (...)
finds herself trapped in a fatal net of lies and guilt. A thriller which ponders South Africa’s Film
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

Sun, Aug 31, 2014
5 pm
Long Night’s Journey into Day
South Africa (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa Film
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

Sun, Aug 31, 2014
8.15 pm
Skoonheid (Beauty)
South Africa (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa Film
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

Sat, Aug 30, 2014
10 pm
Nozinja (Shangaan Electro)
South Africa (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa Concert
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

Sun, Aug 31, 2014
7 pm
Africa Shafted: Under One Roof
South Africa (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa Film
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

Mon, Aug 25, 2014
Exile Faces
regarding South Africa then and today and explain why their return to the country remains a distant dream. (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa (...)
about their own views regarding South Africa then and today and explain why their return to the country Video exhibition
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa
Cup of Cultures
-point for the South Africa World Cup. All games will be shown on a big screen. Between matches, from 5 (...)
South Africa (...)
international viewing-point for the South Africa World Cup.

Thu, Aug 28, 2014
6 pm
South Africa (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa Keynote
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

Thu, Aug 28, 2014
8 pm
Hugh Masekela
In 2014 South Africa celebrates the 75th birthday of its most important jazz musician. Awarded a (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa (...)
In 2014 South Africa celebrates the 75th birthday of its most important jazz Concert
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

Thu, Aug 28, 2014
10.30 pm
Otelo Burning
South Africa (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa Film
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

Fri, Aug 29, 2014
4 pm
Post-Apartheid Public Culture
The state of current affairs in South Africa is as complex as its public negotiation. Be it in (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa (...)
The state of current affairs in South Africa is as complex as its public Symposium
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

Fri, Aug 29, 2014
10 am
Economy, Community and Sustainability
infrastructural deficit. In spite of the remarkable growth South Africa experienced from 1998 to 2008, it remains (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa (...)
inequality and infrastructural deficit. In spite of the remarkable growth South Africa experienced from 1998 Symposium
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

Fri, Aug 29, 2014
11.30 am
Truth and Justice
failures to implement the TRCs recommendations. How does South Africa assess its response to its unjust (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa (...)
on the failures to implement the TRCs recommendations. How does South Africa assess its response to Symposium
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

Fri, Aug 29, 2014
2.30 pm
Education and Democratization
In 1996, South Africa adopted a new constitution and passed the South African Schools Act. The (...)
South Africa (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa (...)
In 1996, South Africa adopted a new constitution and passed the South African Symposium
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa

20 Years of Democracy in South Africa
South Africa also grants insights into the promises and challenges democratic societies worldwide have (...)
20 Years of Democracy in South Africa (...)
South Africa (...)
In 2014, the Republic of South Africa celebrates the 20th anniversary of the

Sun, Mar 24, 2019
2 pm
Searching for Sugar Man
apartheid South Africa. (...)
South Africa (...)
became a legend in apartheid South Africa. Film
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