Talk, lecture, presentation
Grid Memory
With Nataša Damnjanović, Charlotte Eifler, Başak Ertür, Adla Isanović, Nihad Kreševljaković, Armina Pilav & Damir Ugljen (Un-War Space Lab), Clarissa Thieme, moderated by Nanna Heidenreich
In English with simultaneous translation into German
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Huge archival holdings such as that of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) draw attention to the relationship between forensic evidence, surveying and collective memory. They also raise doubts about direct causal relationships between legal trials and reconciliation. What Eyal Weizman, founder of the Forensic Architecture research agency, calls the forensic turn in post-conflict transition seems to foster a dominant database logic and aesthetic in our societies. Can forensic archives form collective memory and help processes of reconciliation? Or are they too entangled with a regime of digital coloniality (Adla Isanović)? What are examples of alternative archival practices that process collective traumatic violent crimes beyond forensic logic?
With Nataša Damnjanović, Charlotte Eifler, Başak Ertür, Adla Isanović, Nihad Kreševljaković, Armina Pilav & Damir Ugljen (Un-war Space Lab), Clarissa Thieme, moderated by Nanna Heidenreich
Concept: Charlotte Eifler, Clarissa Thieme