Archive until 2022. To the current program
84 results

The Whole Life. Archives & Reality

(AdA), is the starting point for The Whole Life. Archives & Reality. This moment of transition raises (...)
The Whole Life. Archives & Reality (...)

The Whole Life. An Archive Project

reality Technology (...)

The Broken Archive

whose stories are absent in them?Archive Collection Discourse Knowledge Present reality Technology (...)

Berlin Documentary Forum 1

“documentary”, have acquired in present-day politics. As the distinctions between reality and fiction, artifact (...)

Berlin Documentary Forum 2

reality (...)

Berlin Documentary Forum 3

Film narrative reality (...)
reality (...)
fabrication of social reality and the shaping of lived experience. It proposes that storytelling be understood

Fri, Mar 25, 2022
7 pm

Wrap-up with Übung am Phantom

Archive Discourse Feminism History reality Talk (...)
reality Talk
The Whole Life. Archives & Imaginaries

Thu, May 29, 2014
6 pm

OPENING: Riding on a Cloud

to make images as a way of recovering an understanding of the relationship between reality and (...)
reality Theatre play
Berlin Documentary Forum 3

Sat, Mar 26, 2022
11 am

How Does the Phantom Relate to Archives? Übung am Phantom

Archive Body Discourse Feminism History Knowledge reality (...)
reality The Whole Life. Archives & Imaginaries

Thu, May 29, 2014
8.30 pm

Deutsche Bilder - Mädchen mit Zwanzig

the heroic labor and mandated optimism stemming from a modern belief in progress against the reality (...)
reality Films and talks
Berlin Documentary Forum 3

Parallel I–IV

to register traces of physical reality and preserve them as enduring images. What happens when (...)

Parallel I–IV

to register traces of physical reality and preserve them as enduring images. What happens when (...)

Thu, May 29, 2014
8.30 pm

Riding on a Cloud

to make images as a way of recovering an understanding of the relationship between reality and (...)
reality (...)
understanding of the relationship between reality and representation. Theater play
Berlin Documentary Forum 3

Fri, May 30, 2014
6 pm


Aesthetics Contemporary Art Documentary film Festival Fiction Film narrative reality Talk (...)
reality Screening and talk
Berlin Documentary Forum 3

Fri, May 30, 2014
9 pm

The Stone Garden/P Like Pelican: Parviz Kimiavi

Aesthetics Contemporary Art Discussion Documentary film Festival Fiction Film narrative reality (...)
reality Films and talk
Berlin Documentary Forum 3

Sat, May 31, 2014
12 noon

Preservation Design

Aesthetics Contemporary Art Documentary film Festival Fiction Film narrative reality Talk (...)
reality Seminar series
Berlin Documentary Forum 3

Sat, May 31, 2014
6 pm

Unreliable Narrators: Stings to Leaks to Citizen Vigilantes

Aesthetics Contemporary Art Documentary film Festival Fiction Film narrative reality Talk (...)
reality Screening and talk
Berlin Documentary Forum 3

Sun, Jun 1, 2014
6 pm

Truth: Morteza Avini

Aesthetics Contemporary Art Documentary film Festival Fiction Film narrative Presentation reality (...)
reality Film and lecture
Berlin Documentary Forum 3

Sat, May 31, 2014
9 pm

Narco-Capitalism. Mexico on the Brink - The Femicide Machine (Session 1)

Aesthetics Contemporary Art Documentary film Festival Fiction Film narrative reality Talk (...)
reality Screening and talk
Berlin Documentary Forum 3

Sun, Jun 1, 2014
4 pm

Narco-Capitalism. Mexico on the Brink - In Praise of El Narco (Session 2)

Aesthetics Contemporary Art Documentary film Festival Fiction Film narrative reality Talk (...)
reality Screening and talk
Berlin Documentary Forum 3

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