Radio Stilts
Radio Laboratory with Anton Kats for participants ages 16 and up
Mon, Nov 5, 2018
5 pm
Free admission
Mon, Nov 12, 2018
5 pm
Free admission
Mon, Nov 19, 2018
5 pm
Free admission
Mon, Dec 3, 2018
5 pm
Free admission
Mon, Dec 10, 2018
5 pm
Free admission
For teenagers ages 16 and up and for adults
Register at:
You can participate in each individual workshop; prior knowledge is not necessary.
Suitable for blind and visually impaired people
In German/English
Register at:
You can participate in each individual workshop; prior knowledge is not necessary.
Suitable for blind and visually impaired people
In German/English

How can new compositions be created in a radiophonic space? Participants in the radio workshop will take part in collective listening sessions, hear rhythms, and explore the walk-in radio archive. Guided by artist Anton Kats, they will work with concrete listening methods, experiment with radio technology and transform finds from the archive into new sounds and compositions by means of synthesis and choreography. The outcome of the workshop will be pressed on a limited edition vinyl record!