Schools of Tomorrow: Keynotes
With Mizuko Ito, Katie Salen Tekinbaş and Benjamin Jörissen
A New Learning Paradigm
Keynote: Mizuko Ito
In her many years of research, cultural anthropologist Mizuko Ito studied the potentials of digital and social media for progressive educational approaches. Based on her observation of teen media behaviors, Ito developed the “connected learning” model proposing a learning process anchored in the social and based on personal interests. The use of digital media aims to facilitate equality of access to education. In her keynote, Ito examines the new learning environments needed today. How can we create learning contexts in which children and adolescents can experience participation?
To recording
The Quest to Learn
Report from practice: Katie Salen Tekinbaş
What if we could build a school where students are excited about learning, solving problems and facing complex challenges? This is the idea with which the Quest to Learn School was established in New York in 2009 as part of an initiative to improve the public school system. Between grades 6 and 12, students work with game-based learning approaches. It makes the school the hub of a network of different curricular and extracurricular learning moments and a catalyst for collaboration with mentors, partner institutions and social actors. Former Executive Director of Design Katie Salen Tekinbaş, who worked together on its conception with renowned educational experts, will report from practice in this school.
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Between Networks: Bildung in a Post-Digital Culture
Keynote: Benjamin Jörissen
Networks are not only technical constructs. They have become the central notion used to describe social contexts. Social networks organize identities and belonging. What knowledge about these networks is needed to deal critically with digital media? The media and education researcher Benjamin Jörissen examines the significance of (aesthetic) education in times when offers of identity are organized as markets.
To recording (in German)