Labor, Housing, Education
Working groups and final presentations
In English
Refugees, volunteers, activists, digital developers, theorists and artists gather to discuss tools and strategies for refugee’s self-organization. The situation in Germany is changing dramatically. New challenges are coming up. What needs to be done? What is important for empowerment and self-organization? In working groups, refugees and non-refugees activists and their supporters meet to analyze the current needs and develop responses.
Three parallel workshops are working on the following themes. Registration needed.
Industry is welcoming refugees as new additions to the workforce, but access to the labor market is difficult even once their residence status is settled. How can refugees contribute their knowledge, experience and training in Germany? What models offer perspectives?
With Cucula, Arrivo, workeer, a.o. Moderation: Samee Ulah
Housing / Living conditions
The housing shortage for refugees is more acute than ever right now. Not only are refugees isolated in temporary quarters at the outskirts, they also lose their private and social spheres. What alternative schemes are needed to enable them to live in dignity?
With home4refugees, Projekt Haus der Statistik, 14 Walls, Campus Cosmopolis, Bruno Watara (Bündnis gegen Lager) Moderation: Chaghaf Howayek
How can the expertise of refugees be activated? How can we ensure that they begin, continue and complete their studies or training?
With Kiron University, kommen & bleiben and others
Moderation: Katharina Dehrmühl (Kiron University, Migration Hub)
5.30 pm Public presentation