Archive until 2022. To the current program

Presentations, Round Table

Retrofit Gecekondu

With Teddy Cruz, Fonna Forman (Estudio Teddy Cruz + Forman), and representatives of the initiative Kotti & Co (Moderated by Jesko Fezer)

Fri, Oct 23, 2015
4 pm
Admission: day ticket 9€/7€ including exhibition ticket & exhibition guide
German and English with simultaneous translation

Kotti & Co and Teddy Cruz with Fonna Forman give insights into their respective work in Berlin and the San Diego–Tijuana border region. They will conclude by speaking about their collaboration on the 1:1 model “Retrofit Gecekondu” in the exhibition

Kotti & Co – Die Mietergemeinschaft am Kottbusser Tor was founded in 2011 in protest of the high rents for Berlin’s social housing. By staging a large number of protest actions and events, bringing together professional expertise, publishing texts, and engaging in discussions, the tenant community at Kottbusser Tor has since become one of the central negotiating platforms for new rental and urban development policies, as well as for topics regarding migration, racism, and poverty.

Estudio Teddy Cruz + Forman is the research-based practice of architect Teddy Cruz and political theorist Fonna Forman in San Diego. With a particular focus on the relationship between bottom-up urbanization and housing, their work emphasizes urban conflict and informality as sites of intervention for rethinking public policy and civic infrastructure. They are presently investigating 'citizenship culture' in the San Diego-Tijuana border region.