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Presentations, Discussions


With Rahel Jaeggi, Volker Pantenburg, Gadi Algazi, and Rembert Hüser

Sat, Feb 28, 2015
5–7 pm
Fri + Sat Dayticket (incl. exhibition) each 8€/6€

With English-German simultaneous translation

The workshop films form the starting point of the second day of the conference: a small selection of specific films, chosen according to thematic and associative terminological fields, provide an opening for each panel and serve as a common knowledge base for presentations and discussions.

What is the significance of the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the field defined by the formation of self, educational techniques, and social recognition? What is the influence of training, apprenticeship, and routine? Of talent, skill, and chance? What potentials and contradictions, what capacities to act and shape, arise for the interplay of work and life and inform individualization strategies, entrepreneurship, and the willingness to take risks?

Rahel Jaeggi (philosopher, Humboldt University, Berlin), Volker Pantenburg (film and media theorist, Bauhaus University, Weimar), Gadi Algazi (historian, activist, University of Tel Aviv)
Moderator: Rembert Hüser (media, film and theater theorist, Goethe University Frankfurt)


Gadi Algazi is a professor of medieval history in the Department of History at Tel Aviv University . He was senior editor of the journal History & Memory (2001-2011) and is a member of the publishing collective for the journals Past & Present and Historische Anthropologie. His research encompasses, in particular, the social and cultural history of the late Middle Ages and early modern period, historical anthropology, colonial history, and the history of the social sciences.

Rembert Hüser has been a professor of media studies in the theater, film, and media studies department at Goethe University Frankfurt since January 2014. From 2003 to 2013 he was an associate professor of cultural and media studies at the University of Minnesota in the department of German, Scandinavian & Dutch and the department of cultural studies & comparative literature. He obtained his doctorate in 1992 at the University of Bielefeld with a dissertation on the rhetoric of criticism. From 1992 to 1998 he worked as an assistant professor in German studies at the University of Bonn. As a research fellow at the cultural research institute “Media and Cultural Communication” in Cologne from 1999 to 2001, he led a project on the title sequence in Hollywood film. He has held temporary professorships in media studies at HbK Braunschweig (2001/2002) and film studies at Goethe University Frankfurt (2008/2009).

Rahel Jaeggi is a German philosopher and professor of practical philosophy at Humboldt University in Berlin with focuses in social and political philosophy, philosophical ethics, anthropology, and social ontology. In her research she critically examines concepts of alienation, commodification/objectification and ideology, way of life, and solidarity. In 2011, with Daniel Loick, she was the chief organizer of the international conference Re-thinking Marx at Humboldt University. Her most recently published books are on the subjects of alienation (Entfremdung, 2005), the critique of ways of life (Kritik der Lebensformen, 2013) and the essay collection Nach Marx (2013, with Daniel Loick).

Volker Pantenburg is a junior professor of image theory with a focus in moving images at the Bauhaus University Weimar. From 2010 to 2012 he was junior director of IKKM (Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie). He has published a variety of books, including Film als Theorie. Bildforschung bei Harun Farocki und Jean-Luc Godard (2006), Ränder des Kinos. Godard – Wiseman – Benning – Costa (2010), Screen Dynamics. Mapping the Borders of Cinema (coeditor, 2012) and Wörterbuch kinematografischer Objekte (coeditor, 2014). The English translation of his book on Harun Farocki and Jean-Luc Godard is to be published in spring 2015.