Partners & Team
“Labour in a Single Shot” in cooperation with Harun Farocki Filmproduktion and the Goethe-Institut, and in collaboration with the International Research Center “Work and Human Life Cycle in Global History” (re:work) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Supported by
Presented by
The excellence project “Labour in a Single Shot/Eine Einstellung zur Arbeit” is a coproduction between Harun Farocki Filmproduktion and the Goethe-Institut. Coordinator: Detlef Gericke-Schönhagen, Goethe-Institut Boston/Goethe-Institut Vilnius.
Workshops and Film program in Cooperation with
Labour in a Single Shot
A project by Antje Ehmann and Harun Farocki
Department of Visual Arts and Film
Conceptual development
Anselm Franke (Head of Visual Arts and Film)
Exhibition architecture
Kuehn Malvezzi
Graphic design and exhibition paper
NODE Berlin Oslo
Technical conception
Gernot Ernst, Jan Imberi / Eidotech GmbH
Sonja Oehler (Program Coordination), Janina Prossek (Program Assistance), Cornelia Pilgram (Processing), Elisabeth Krämer (Traineeship)
Department of Literature and Humanities
Conceptual development
Katrin Klingan (Head of Literature and Humanities), Cordula Hamschmidt (Program Coordination)
Janek Mueller (Dramaturgy), Quirin Wildgen (Production Management), Claudia Peters (Production Assistance)
Caroline Kim (Projecet Assistance), Marlene Schenk (Traineeship)
Exhibition and Conference
Project Coordination
Annika Kuhlmann
Lara Nahrwold, Max Westbrock
Artistic Production Director’s Office
Alexandra Engel
Department of Communications and Cultural Education
Head of Communications and Cultural Education
Silvia Fehrmann
Editorial Office
Sabine Willig, Laida Hadel (Traineeship), Martin Hager
Press Office
Anne Maier, Nabila El-Khatib (Traineeship)
Internet Projects
Eva Stein, Jan Köhler, Silvana Doant, Stephan Ritscher
Public Relations
Christiane Sonntag, Sabine Westemeier
Documentation office
Silya Schmidt, Anna Teckentrup
Cultural Education
Silvia Fehrmann (Head) , Maria Fountoukis, Leila Haghighat, Eva Stein
Technical Crew
Technical Director
Mathias Helfer
Exhibition production
Gernot Ernst & Team (Oliver Dehn, Christian Dertinger, Achim Haigis, Matthias Henkel, Oliver Könitzer, Petra Könitzer, Gabriel Kujawa, Matthias Kujawa, Sladjan Nedeljkovic, Nghia Nuyen, Andrew Schmidt, Elisabeth Sinn, Marie Luise Stein, Klaus Tabert, Norio Takasugi, Christophe Zangerle, Margrit Zeitler)
Technique of events/ Film Technique
Benjamin Pohl & Team (Stephan Bartel, Benjamin Brandt, René Christoph, Jason Dorn, Bastian Heide, Frederick Langkau, Carsten Palme, Adrian Pilling, Leonardo Rende, Juliane Schüler, Nickolas Tanton, Patrick Vogt, Thomas Weidemann)
Audio and Video technique
Andreas Durchgraf, Simon Franzkowiak, Matthias Hartenberger, Tassos Papiomytoglou ,Klaus Tabert, André Schulz
serve-U, Phillip Sünderhauf