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2021/2022 Nov 2, 2022 Live Performance

Bad Words

Audio series
In German and English

Live Performance
Nov 2, 2022

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Bad Words creates a place for a different way of speaking about language and literature. A space of multiple voices emerges from talks, readings, voice messages, field recordings and music.

I am inviting you to not sleep tonight. After the first season took Ilse Aichinger’s titular essay Bad Words and its resistant poetics as its point of departure, Etel Adnan’s Night takes us into the darkness. Between the revolutionary potential of staying awake and the shrouding qualities of night, the second season negotiates language as a means of silence and the night as a place of the living dead.

Based on various works, the audio series Bad Words creates a place for a different way of speaking about language and literature, for approaching a new sense of language. From talks, readings, voice messages, field recordings and music, a walk-in space of multiple voices is created with changing guests. The agreement is: We start from one written work so that another can begin.

An audio series by Fabian Saul, in cooperation with Mathias Zeiske. Contributors include Don Mee Choi, Sophia Eisenhut, Lama El Khatib, Haytham El Wardany, Merve Emre, Joshua Groß, Hanne Lippard, Enis Maci, Nalan, Thuy-Han Nguyen-Chi, Tanasgol Sabbagh, Miriam Stoney, Karosh Taha, Senthuran Varatharajah, Uljana Wolf as well as texts by Ilse Aichinger and Etel Adnan.

Part of The New Alphabet