The Shortlist of the Year 2015

The Shortlist of 2015 was announced on June 1. The jury explains their choices:

“In our increasingly fragmented world, it is becoming ever more important to question, to override and to transform well-known myths and givens. It is one of the challenges that this year’s shortlist faces: Personal empowerment in inhospitable environments set apart NoViolet Bulawayo’s debut novel, Patrick Chamoiseau’s philosophical robinsonade and, the female outsider perspective of the Hungarian writer Krisztina Tóth. At the same time, our eyes are drawn to the unprocessed past of the 20th century and the literary re-appropriation of the repressed, for example in Daša Drndić’s documentary novel, about the excesses of the Holocaust in southeastern Europe and in Gilbert Gatore’s victim-perpetrator novel about the Rwandan genocide of 1994. Amos Oz transforms the familiar myth of betrayal into an intellectual coming-of-age novel set in Israel of the 1950s. The shortlisted authors and translators venture beyond inherited patterns of perception into new linguistic and thematic territory.”

The following authors and translators were nominated in 2015 (in alphabetic order of the name of the author):

NoViolet Bulawayo | Miriam Mandelkow
Wir brauchen neue Namen

English: We Need New Names
Suhrkamp Verlag 2014 | Little, Brown and Company, New York 2013
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Patrick Chamoiseau | Beate Thill
Die Spur des Anderen

French: L'empreinte à Crusoé
Verlag Das Wunderhorn 2014 | Éditions Gallimard, Paris 2012
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Daša Drndić | Brigitte Döbert & Blanka Stipetić

Croatian: Sonnenschein
Hoffmann und Campe 2015 | Fraktura, Zaprešić 2007
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Gilbert Gatore | Katja Meintel
Das lärmende Schweigen

French: Le Passé devant soi
Horlemann Verlag 2014 | Phébus, Paris 2008
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Amos Oz | Mirjam Pressler

Hebrew: Habesora al pi Jehuda
Suhrkamp Verlag 2015 | Keter, Jerusalem 2014
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Amos Oz and Mirjam Pressler are the 2015 award winners.

Krisztina Tóth | György Buda

Hungarian: Akvárium
Nischen Verlag 2015 | Magvető Kiadó, Budapest 2013
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