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Caramusa & Roedelius: „Saintphony Martin“ | Tempus Transit feat. Jurij Novoselic

Fr 4.9.2015
Eintritt: Abendticket 10€/8€ (Konzerte + DJ-Sets)
Tempus Transit, © Promo

Caramusa & Roedelius: „Saintphony Martin“
Tempus Transit feat. Jurij Novoselic

Die musikalischen Traditionen seiner Wahlheimaten in Westdeutschland und Korsika weckten Roedelius’ Neugier. Mit Tempus Transit trifft er auf die Mittelalterforscher und Instrumentenbauer von Hotel Palindrome und Jurij Novoselic von der kroatischen Kultband Psihomodo Pop. Seine langjährige Verbindung mit dem korsischen Ensemble Caramusa gipfelte in einer Roedeliusschen Klanglandschaft, die auch live den Gesang der Truppe umrahmt.

Zu den Biografien

Jean-Jacques Andreani (Caramusa) zu Roedelius
„Very many years ago, on a hot summer evening, a night of the white moon, our hearts met for the first time... It was in the mountains, during a concert by candle-light. The man came towards us. In his eyes shone a love of the world, of humanity and of life. We talked to each other. We shared silences. We exchanged music and emotions. Since then, up until this day, our relationship with the man has amplified with respect and loyalty. We would like to tell him of all the affection we feel towards both himself and his family. To know him is a blessing and we are particularly fortunate to be able to participate in the homage being paid to him. Hans-Joachim Roedelius is our friend, our elder brother, and we love him. Like a true master, mighty as he is humble, through his creations, he has the power to faithfully reveal secret sentiments of the soul. Thank you, dear elder brother, for your deft spirit, your watchful wisdom and your imagination. We are proud to acknowledge you as a precious and authentic King of Hearts.“