160 results

    Sun, Jul 31, 2022

    Guided Tour

    Anthropocene Art Cultural education Guided tours Research Society (...)
    Anthropocene Earth Indices

    Thu, Sep 22, 2022
    3.30 pm

    Guided Exhibition Tour

    Anthropocene Art Cultural education Guided tours Research Society (...)
    Anthropocene Earth Indices

    Fri, Oct 14, 2022
    7–10 pm

    Where is the Planetary?

    Anthropocene Art Discourse Earth Geology Performance Politics Research Society (...)
    Anthropocene Presentations and Conversations | Day 1
    Where is the Planetary?

    Sun, Oct 16, 2022
    12 noon–6 pm

    Where is the Planetary?

    Anthropocene Art Discourse Earth Geology Performance Politics Research Society (...)
    Anthropocene Practices and Discussions | Day 3
    Where is the Planetary?

    Fri, Oct 14, 2022
    12 noon

    Guided Exhibition Tour

    Anthropocene Art Cultural education Guided tours Research Society (...)
    Anthropocene Earth Indices

    Mon, Oct 17, 2022
    5 pm

    Guided Exhibition Tour

    Anthropocene Art Cultural education Guided tours Research Society (...)
    Anthropocene Earth Indices

    Sun, Oct 16, 2022
    4 pm

    Guided Exhibition Tour

    Anthropocene Art Cultural education Guided tours Research Society (...)
    Anthropocene Earth Indices

    Fri, Oct 14, 2022
    6 pm

    Guided Exhibition Tour

    Anthropocene Art Cultural education Guided tours Research Society (...)
    Anthropocene Earth Indices

    The Anthropocene at HKW

    geological age. In the Anthropocene, geological and human history are deeply interwoven, making it difficult (...)
    The Anthropocene at HKW (...)
    Anthropocene (...)
    transformations of the Anthropocene can be understood, experienced and shaped. In a multitude of exhibitions

    Where is the Planetary?

    Mark Williams Mi You Jan Zalasiewicz Gary Zhexi Zhang Anthropocene Art Discourse Earth Geology (...)

    Thu, Oct 16, 2014
    9 pm


    . Together we will weave. We will wonder about the fate of the Anthropocene. Hard questions will be planted (...)
    Anthropocene Practice
    A Matter Theater

    Fri, Oct 17, 2014
    10 pm


    Aesthetics Anthropocene Change Culture Knowledge Knowledge Production Nature Practices Society (...)
    Anthropocene Practice
    A Matter Theater

    Sat, Nov 15, 2014
    6.30–8 pm

    Anthropocene Observatory – The Dark Abyss of Time

    The Anthropocene Observatory—a knowledge station, a constantly expanding reservoir—pursues and (...)
    Anthropocene Observatory – The Dark Abyss of Time (...)
    Anthropocene (...)
    Anthropocene Curriculum (...)
    The Anthropocene Observatory—a knowledge station, a constantly expanding Lecture
    Anthropocene Curriculum

    Fri, May 20, 2022
    3–4.30 pm

    Markers – Material Delineations of the Present

    fingerprint becomes a demarcation for the new geological epoch of the Anthropocene. Researchers of the (...)
    Anthropocene Demonstrations & Discussions
    Unearthing the Present

    Fri, May 20, 2022
    5–6.30 pm

    Markers – Material Delineations of the Present

    of the Anthropocene. Researchers of the Anthropocene Working Group, humanities scholars and artists (...)
    Anthropocene Demonstrations & Discussions
    Unearthing the Present

    Fri, May 20, 2022
    7–9 pm

    Markers – Material Delineations of the Present

    fingerprint becomes a demarcation for the new geological epoch of the Anthropocene. Researchers of the (...)
    Anthropocene (...)
    7: Archaeology of the Anthropocene8: Fingerprints of the Nuclear Age Demonstrations & Discussions
    Unearthing the Present

    Fri, May 20, 2022
    9.30 am–12.30 pm

    Anthropocene Working Group. A Scientific Forum

    occasion to enter into dialogue with AWG and GSSP-researchers working on the stratigraphic Anthropocene and (...)
    On Revealing the Stratigraphic Anthropocene (...)
    Anthropocene Working Group. A Scientific Forum (...)
    Anthropocene Public Forum, Q&A

    Thu, May 19, 2022
    6 pm

    Earth Indices

    Anthropocene Art Discourse Earth Exhibition Geology Politics Research Society (...)
    Processing the Anthropocene (...)
    Anthropocene (...)
    Processing the Anthropocene | An exhibition by Giulia Bruno and Armin Exhibition Opening
    Earth Indices

    Sun, Mar 16, 2014
    3 pm

    Flavors with corners – creaky smells.

    Anthropocene Cultural education Environment Forensics Human rights kids&teens Workshop (...)
    Anthropocene Workshop

    Sun, Mar 30, 2014
    3 pm

    Stories out of Stone

    Anthropocene Cultural education Environment Forensics Human rights kids&teens Workshop (...)
    Anthropocene Workshop

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