Tio Changó: Let's Picó
The Colombian version of the Jamaican-style sound system is called Picó – Spanish for mountain peak. The mobile and colorfully painted loudspeaker stacks tower high and serve as party headquarters, meeting point and community radio station.
Tio Changó will introduce the workshop participants to the world of Picó: they can experiment with Latin American rhythms and perform live on stage.
13 years and up
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Followed by the premiere of the WASSER // MUSIK documentary.
Traffic restrictions From 23 July, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee is closed to motorized traffic between Haus der Kulturen der Welt and Spreeweg. The Haus is still accessible to drivers coming from the direction of the Reichstag but parking is severely restricted. The 100 Bus route will be diverted to Straße des 17. Juni and there is a provisional bus stop “Haus der Kulturen der Welt”. More...