Presentations, Workshops

Fri, Jun 15, 2012
12 noon
Free admission
Über Lebenskunst.Schule, Foto: Joachim Loch

11.30 - 13 h Workshop "Awareness Training for Teachers" with Yeshe Sangmo and Beate Göbel

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12 h „Faster, higher, better, more!?“

Dance Performance | Robert-Bosch-Fachoberschule für Wirtschaft, München
It is still common to want to perform, experience, have or be more. Yet sometimes less is more. This dance exploration moves between speed and standstill, between attention and sensory overload.

13.30 - 16.30 h "Material Wealth" – Reusing Textiles with students of the Gymnasium Allee, Hamburg

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14 h From Project to Structure – excellent!
A first award ceremony for “Measures of the UN Decade for Education for Sustainable Development“ in the national action plan.
With Ulla Burchardt, MdB, Vorsitzende des Ausschusses für Bildung, Forschung und Technikfolgenabschätzung des Deutschen Bundestags, Prof. Dr. Gerhard de Haan, Vorsitzender des Nationalkomitees UN Dekade, und Prof. Dr. Christoph Wulf, Vizepräsident Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission

12 h „Faster, higher, better, more!?“- Workshop with Christin Schmidt

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15 h Stadt lernen, Stadt machen – Jugend, Schule und Stadtentwicklung

17 h HORTUS CIRCULOSUS – Cycles Between Nature and Art

Project evaluation
The Haus am Berliner Lützowplatz as an open-air laboratory: in the garden and yard of the building, students of social pedagogy explore the logic and functionality of cycles and what disturbs them.

in parallel: Exhibition of Works ÜBER LEBENSKUNST.Schule