Discussion rounds
10 h Cooperation in Excess? Of Partnerships between Schools and Cultural Institutions for Sustainable Development
Discussion with Rahel Puffert (Kulturwissenschaftlerin, Kunstvermittlerin), Markus Schega (Schulleiter, Nürtingen-Grundschule Berlin), Doris Kleemeyer (Theatermusikerin, Musikpädagogin), Doris Enders (Kulturwissenschaftlerin), Maike Plath (Lehrerin für Darstellendes Spiel, Vorstand des „Bundesverband Theater in Schulen“), Constanze Eckert (Akademieleitung im Modellprogramm "Kulturagenten für kreative Schulen"), Tanja Krone (Regisseurin, „jump & run“, „Heimspiel“, „Winterakademie“), Cindy Ehrlichmann (Theaterpädagogin Theater o.N., „TUSCH“), Jovana Foik (Programmleitung "Künste und Schulen - Partnerschaften für Berlin", Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH), Katharina Donat (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung), Daniel Gad (Kulturwissenschaftler, Dozent Universität Hildesheim für "Kultur und Entwicklung").
School reality is often dictated by the principle of scarce resources – a shortage of time, a shortage of money. So cooperative projects on the topic of education for sustainable development seemed to be a logical progression. At the same time: do the glittering but usually ephemeral projects not distract from the more comprehensive needs for change or do they provide the necessary impulses for change?
15 h Stadt lernen, Stadt machen - Youth, School and Urban Development
mit Nina Brodowski (Kulturwissenschaftlerin), Adam Page (Künstler), Aylin Pehlivan (Schülerin am Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium, Neukölln), Dr. Bernhard Trieglaff (Lehrer am Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium), Prof. Dr. Cordelia Polinna (Stadtplanerin, TU Berlin), Dr. Franziska Giffey (Bezirksstadträtin für Bildung, Schule, Kultur und Sport in Neukölln); moderiert von Jonathan Löwer (Schüler am Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium, Neukölln) und Katja Sussner (Kulturwissenschaftlerin)
Young people especially tend to make intense use of public spaces in cities – time to get their expert advice when planning these spaces. Where are the opportunities and the restrictions? What role can school play and what do students learn there about city planning and design? Two projects by ÜBER LEBENSKUNST.Schule set out to concretely address issues of urban space. Now, based on their concrete experiences, we ask what young people want from their urban environment, whether and how schools avail of their opportunities in their role as urban and social players in their local neighborhoods and how education policy and city development can be interwoven.
in parallel: Exhibition of Works ÜBER LEBENSKUNST.Schule