Screen Performance
"Extra-disciplinary Art and Media Activism" with Angela Melitopoulos and Brian Holmes

Video artist Angela Melitopoulos, whose artistic works have examined the possibilities of the moving image in relation to the working of memory and conceptions of history, presents “Möglichkeitsraum“ (The Blast of the Possible), a temporary set designed as an extended post-production studio. Here the montage of video and film archives, belonging to the history of activist media, becomes a performative live process. Three curators / archivists engage in a dialogue with the artist while presenting their archives and research.
Extra-disciplinary Art Practices and Media Activism with Brian Holmes
Holmes examines four audiovisual regimes that have emerged in the, USA since WW II: broadcast television in the Cold War consumer society; video as a subversion of the televisual norm; networked computing and its new forms of “control environments”; and new communication tactics of migration movements.