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Rage Summit - Day 1

Discussions, Re-Readings, Dialogical Inquiries

Fri, May 7, 2010
7 pm
€ 3 Euro for a day ticket, admission free if you book through
The House is open from 11:00 - 22:00 h

Rage runs along a gamut of societal and social fault lines: from middle class depression to loss of meaning, from war, repression and injustice, to increasingly intolerable modes of indifference and matters of survival. At the negotiating table in the exhibition (ifau, Berlin) researchers, intellectuals, artists, and activists from all walks of life will engage in a discussion about the social and political upheavals and ruptures at the Wut-Gipfel I Rage Summit.

They will explore traces and stories of protest and resistance, the visual language and legends of rage. And consider as well today’s "tipping points," practices and techniques of protest and rage in the form of war, terrorism and mass murder.

In Dialogical Inquiries representatives from a variety of disciplines and diverse cultural spaces enter into "talks about rage" and focus on pressing questions related to rage in everyday life.

The ReReading of selected texts offers new perspectives on the history of rage and anger. Authors, artists, actors, intellectuals and participants of the rage summit are invited as non-experts to read and comment on key texts about rage from Sloterdijk to Lao Tse Tung, from the Beat Poets to the Communist Manifesto, from Wallenstein to Seneca—a walk and renegotiation through the archives of rage.

Three open panels explore the rage of everyday life from a transcultural and transhistorical perspective:

Rage Summit Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3

19:00 h Opening:

Susanne Stemmler, Cordula Hamschmidt

19:30 h ReReading 1: „Variations of Rage”

Reading and comment with Terézia Mora

Quiet or explosive, latent or manifest: the cause of anger can be just as spectacular as surprising – the forms of anger vary between quiet resignation and euphoric frenzy. The Hungarian-born writer and translator, Terézia Mora, explores the spectrum of states of emergency in a selection of texts by Georges Bataille and Heimito von Doderer.

20:15 h Open Panel

“Anger, revisited: Cultures of Protest, Terrors of War"

The three day Rage Summit begins in May with a look at the past and present: The geopolitics of the Cold War, falling and building walls, terrorism, the demarcation and violation of borders, cultures in turmoil and upheaval in the 1980s, resistance, activism and agony.

Sylvère Lotringer, Volker Schlöndorff, Mikhail Ryklin, and others examine the culture of protest and resistance. They will update the 1982 “German Issue” (Semiotexte), a document that brought together diverse voices of its time around questions of political action and criticism. How has rage been the motor for art and the intellectual avant-garde how has critical theory, cultures of protest and activism become concentrated in pop culture, theory, and society?

22:00 h Rereading 2: „… writing in rage“

Reading and comment with Clemens Meyer

The writer Clemens Meyer follows the depths of an intense life, the daily struggle of survival, the traces of individual and collective revolt. He reads from his latest book "Gewalten”, commenting on it using texts by Ernesto Che Guevara.

Rage Summit Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3