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Wut-Gipfel I Rage Summit - Day 3

ReReadings, Matinee Conversation and Spontaneous Dialogues

Sun, May 9, 2010
11 am
€ 3 Euro for a day ticket, admission free if you book through
Open from 11:00 - 22:00 h

Day 1 | Day 2 | Rage Summit Day 3

11.00 h ReReading 6: “Deprivation of rage. Medea-lectures”
Film-reading and commentary with Rüdiger Zill
The Medean monologue stands for an exemplary and archaic outburst of anger. The philosopher Rüdiger Zill (Einstein Forum, Potsdam) follows the traces of the affect in texts of Seneca and Grillparzer and in a reading of films by Pasolini and Lars von Trier.

12.00 h Matinée Conversation: “„Rage-Rehearsal. The art of being angry“
A talk between Feridun Zaimoglu, Mark Terkessidis, Nikita Dhawan
In artistic, social and reflective processes, what kind of forms can rage take? Which expression can be found beyond concern and agitation? The political scientists, Nikita Dhawan and Mark Terkessidis, together with the playwright and novelist, Feridun Zaimoglu, discuss the potential and horrors of the affect.

13.30 h Spontaneous Dialogue
between Ruediger John, Annette Weisser, Nikita Dhawan, Robert Misik, Dominique Malaquais, ifau, reloading images, and others.

15:00 h End

Day 1 | Day 2 | Rage Summit Day 3