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Opening IN TRANSIT 09

Thu, Jun 11, 2009
7 pm
Free admission

The Haus goes IN TRANSIT

Starting in the foyer, Maria Jose Arjona presents “Untitled,” part I of her provocative, performative installation –"Violence Permeates and Changes Everything." Adrian Piper’s ambiguous installation "Everything # 5.2" is on view for the first time. Hooman Sharifi from Norway opens his utopian country without religion. Allen S. Weiss and Michel Nedjar present "Danse Macabre II", their automated dance of death. Julie Tolentino exhibits her "CRY OF LOVE.” Nevin Aladag screens films that trace the ruptures between cultures, and directs a new performance work specifically tailored to an opening event: "Occupation."

Parallel to the IN TRANSIT opening, the Japanese dance company Sankai Juku presents its dreamlike Butoh in Berlin for the first time: The rain drop that drips from a leaf congeals into a movement of the highest aesthetic.

And from 10:00 p.m.: DJ Baris Aladag (park17, Cologne) and DJ Mathias Modica (Munk / gomma, Munich) with "Lolipop & Bistro Disco."