Archive until 2022. To the current program


Sankai Juku, Japan

Hibiki (1998)

Thu, Jun 11, 2009
8 pm
Admission: 15 €, concessions 10 €
Fri, Jun 12, 2009
8 pm
Admission: 15 €, concessions 10 €
Sat, Jun 13, 2009
8 pm
Admission: 15 €, concessions 10 €
Sankai Juku, Photos: Sankai Juku, Hibiki (1998), Courtesy the artist

"Amagatsu is to botany as Pina Bausch is to psychology, taking inspiration from the minimalist transformations of cellular tone and texture as she plumbs emotions for their parallel in movement.” (International Herald Tribune)

The evolutionary choreography of Ushio Amagatsu’s company Sankai Juku falls within the tradition of Butoh. His works have generated enthusiastic praise worldwide -- celebrated by the international press—“Hibiki” can now be seen in Germany for the first time: "The performance begins with music created by the sounds of water drops. The five dancers, heads shaven, their torsos bare – Ushio Amagatsu in the center, performing a ceremony in movement, mocking the principles of stability and gravity. His solo is a tower of silence, broken by isolated, whip-like gestures of the hands and fingers and sudden twists of the torso. The control of the movement is so fine it can resemble a mirage, fleetingly teasing the senses. The result is an overwhelming sensory experience. " (Excerpts from Ha'aretz and International Herald Tribune)

Artist Talk with Ushio Amagatsu 12.6. after the show

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